Avenues and Streets of Yorkville Index
This is a quick update of the Avenues and Streets that I had put together some time ago. Today, I finally put most of the links for the base pages that I had set up earlier in the year. These are base pages below and will be sort of an index for the Avenues and Streets of Yorkville. This is the end of Marty's Yorkville Links to the Avenues and Streets. Several other people have put Yorkville into books. Marty, that's me, put it into an electronic form, like you see below. Donations will help this live on, or, not. This year will be pivotal.
Avenues of Yorkville Index
East River
Fifth Avenue
Henderson Place
Madison Avenue
What were your memories? Enjoy,
Return to the following Indexes:
Bars and Restaurans of Yorkville Index
Brewery Memories of Yorkville Index
Candy Stores of Yorkville Index
Note: If you are the owner of any of these pictures, please let me know so that I can add your name to the credits for the picture. You can click on my name above (my email) to let me know.
Donations: Please go to Paypal.com and enter in my email address - doherty167@yahoo.com and make any donation from $1.00 and up. Thank you in advance. Marty Dougherty
Return to: greendougherty on WIX.com