Right around the corner from 85th Street, my block, was 84th Street. For a young boy, like myslelf, I always wondered about 84th Street because I could see if from the roof of 324 East 85th Street and when I was in the back yard on 85th Street.
Families of 84th Street
Thomas O'Neill 411East 84 between 1st and York.
Jim McCullough 439 East 84th Street
Nick Haroulakis 307 East 84th and 2nd Ave
Anne Marie ODea 326 and 332 East 84 Street
Bill Anello 506 E 84th street
Margaret Argenzio 328 east 84 st
Bob Richards 315 East 84th St. (1946-1964). My parents moved out, in Aug. 1976.
Gerard Bakay 418 E. 84th St.
Phyllis Kohl 235 EAST 84TH.ST
On Pinterest: Yorkville - East Side of Manhattan in New York City
A Few Landmarks of 84th Street
Need a few landmarks on 84th Street, Enjoy
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