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Today in The Dougherty Garden - April 18, 2020

Marty, the green man

Here are a few pots of the Song of India cuttings that I took from the mother plant some time back. This was the first time that Ijust took the cuttings that I had made and just potted them up in two pots, like the one above, near the top of the picture.

Each cutting had numerous yellow and green leaves, just like you see above. I took the cutting and just removed several of the bottom leave so that I could stick the cuiings into the soil. I mpotted two sets of cutting and just left them there for about a month or so.

Yesterday, as I was cleaning a lot of the plants and removing the weeds. I came cross one of these pots and noticed that there were a lot of browned out leaves and I removed the browned out leaves from the pots and repotted them again with some new plant food. Upon removing the cutting, I noticed that all of the cuttings had new root growth on the lower portion of the stems. Now I have a bunch of new Song of India plants.

These are several plants that will be cleaned out during my next de weeding day and repotting them with fresh plant food. On the left are Buddha Belly with the large leaves. The back row of cups are seedlings from the Madagascar Tree seeds from last summer. The stems are still strong but have yet to produce a new leaf in 2020. All the pots in front of the Madagascar Tree plants are younfg Teddy Bear Palm Trees.

A Tall Jamaican Coconut that is producing its first leaf stem from the Coconut. This is the third Coconut that has germinated for me.

The three plants above are from the left, a Purple Heart, which is a very hearty ground cover. The little tree on the bottom is from a small weed that I got from one of my garden presents from Ruth's Tropical Garden but remains unknown at the moment. The leafy plant behind this is an Avocado Tree.

These are several plants, which if you are from up north, would be classified as house plants. The one at the top of the picture, I believe is called the Devil's Ivy. I also have a few on the bottom of the picture. The bototm right has several Philodendron and several small version of a large leaf plant that grow to about four feet in width when fully grown.

The above picture, from left to right the large leaf plant that I was previously talking about. The plants to the right are called Touch Me Not that the leaves fold under when you touch them. Two pots of Anthuriums with a large pot of Large Leaf plants. And to the right, here are what i believe to be Agave plants.

This is a young Teddy Bear Palm Tree that I repotted for this picture and blog. I'll be doing a separate blog and video for the Teddy Bear Palm Tree that I received from Ruth's Tropical Garden. For now, I'm just enjoying watching the palm trees grow.

And finally, this is the last of the plants that were weeded and had plant food added to their diet. On the left are Agave plants, if I am right. The plants with the pinkish leaves are called Hawaiian Ti but happened to have a thin leaf when I first received them. I'll monitor the leaf size as they grow.

Well, that covers this version of Today in the Dougherty garden, I have a bunch more pictures to go through and will be doing another Today in the Dougherty Garden.


Wellington, Florida 33414

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