Scientific Name: Climbing cactus
Common Name: Epiphyllum hookeri #048
This is one of the pots of the Climbing Cactus. I have just looked at several pictures of the white flower of the Climbing Cactus. The white flowers are very pretty but most of the flowers for the Climbing Cactus are very small. The pictures that are large, are out of focus and don't really give you a good idea of the copmplexity of these flowers. Most flowers on a cactus are unique because they have a tendency to stand out from the cactus.

Earlier in the year when I was clearing out the weeds in this section of the Dougherty Garden, I had to remove a section of the Climbing Cactus that had fallen to the ground.I divided them into section and potted them up in these four inch pots.

This is the bottom portion of the Climbing Cactus that I left attached to the Solitaire Palm Tree. These small roots helped keep this section on the Solitaire Palm Tree. This section is almost six feet in height attached to the palm tree.The small clinging plant to the left of the Climbing Cactus is a Climbing Orchid, a Pink Climbing Orchid. Most of the Dougherty Garden floor is covered in what is called a no-float mulch. Al I know is that it covers the weeds and stays in one place when we get heavy rains.

This is a full look at the entire Climbing Cactus as it is attached to the Solitaire Palm Tree. The top section of the Climbing Cactus was knocked off by the heavy winds we have had over the past month or so. I just lifted the Climbing Cactus up and placed it against the trunk of the palm tree and it seems to stay at the moment. When I took this picture, the top portion of the Climbing Cactus was not attached at the moment and in a few more days it should attach via the roots.
This is the first in a series of Plants in the Dougherty Garden. I'll try and keep my attention for you in going through all, if not most, of the plants growing in the Dougherty Garden. If you have any questions, please leave a comment. If anyone is interested in a plant, please let me know too.
Keeping green one day at a time.