Scientific Name: Euphorbia leuconeura
Common Name: Madagascar Jewel
Type of Plant: Tropical
This is a plant that likes to be in a warm area and continues to reward you with these beautiful leaves and unusual cactus looking trunk. It is an unusual looking plant and could make a great addition to your plant collection.
As with most of these plants, ecah one has an unusual way of trying to replicate itself in your garden. It shoost out a seed and what I got used to was looking at at the dirt withij the area of the Dougherty Garden where the Madagascar Jewel is growing.

It's very easy to notice that a new Madgascar Jewel seedling just emerged by looking at the leaf color that emerges on these young seedlings. The leaf design is unique and has white stripes so that they are easily to find. Notice the above plant of Rhaphis bulbs and the small striped leaf on the right. That's a new Madagascar Jewel seedling.
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