Scientific Name: Scindapsus aureau/Phaphidophora aureau
Common Name: Golden Pothos
Type of Plant: Tropical Ivy
This is the plant that will not die. I have it growing on a Cabbage palm tree for the longest time. As long as I'm living in this home, the Pothos plant was growing up the trunk of my Cabbage palm tree.
Most people will know the Pothos plant as a common house plant. It is often confused as a Philodenron plant but has a clasification all its own.
I placed a young version of the Pothos plant at the base of my Cabbage palm tree in the front of the house. The Pothos plant was the size of your normal house plant when I first planted it at the base of the Cabbage palm tree. Since I did not want to disturb the roots of the Cabbage palm tree, I just placed the plant at the base of the Cabbage plam tree and covered the roots with soil.
If a person decided to take a look at your typical Cabbage palm tree, you'd see that most of these Cabbage palm trees had a variety of plants growing in the base of old leaf stems. Mother nature has a sense of humor and dumps flying seeds all around the southern garden and the Cabbage palm tree ends up with these plants growng in its trunk.
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