Unknown Plant
Another one of my additions to the Dougherty Garden from Ruth's Tropical Garden. I'm trying hard to find the name of this plant but I'm not sure if it was a single additon, or, was it a young seedling that I obtained on another pot from Ruth's. Only time will tell.
Over the summer, I have been watching this plant nearly die a few times because of the extreme heat and lack of irragation at times. I relocated this palnt several times during the year and have been successful in helping to keep it alive.
AS we look at the plant, this is the most green leaves that I have had on this plant. Also, it actually has a new green leaf emerging from the base. I thought that it was a weed but the leaf structure is the same as the plant which leads me to believe they are one plant.
So, we'll sit and wait and hope that I will eventually get to identify this plant and update this posting.
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