Queen Palm Tree Seeds
I have been potting palm tree seeds in the Dougherty Garden for many years. This year, I started to do something different. I took these 7 gallon plastic pots and filled them with a combination of roughly what you see surrounding the plastic pot. It's a combination of old leaves, dried out weeds, and an assortment of soil and a variety of palm and other unusual seeds laying around in the Dougherty Garden.
I was in the process of what I do on a regular basis by raking all the top debris and siftying out the soil. Only this year, I took the debris that was left in my sifting tray and filled the bottom of the 7 gallon plastc pot. I continued to fill this 7 gallon pot about three quarters of the way with all of this debris. I figured that since I was going to throw all this debris away that I might as use it to fill the bottom of the 7 gallon pot instead of using soil.
After I filled the pot three quarter sof the way with this fill, that I would add regular soil to the top of the debris. This was going to be the basic fill for all of the 7 gallon pots that I will use this year to pot up any batches of seeds that can find in the Dougherty Garden.

Solitaire Palm Tree Seeds

Areca Palm Tree Seeds

Florida Thatch Palm Tree Seeds
For now, this is the first batches of seeds that will be potted up in these 7 gallon plastic pots. The last one, the Florida Thatch Palm Tree Seeds, as seen in the above picture, are still hanging in the bract of the palm tree. These seeds turn white when the are ready to drop from the bract. I've been waiting for a few weeks at the moment but eventually will cut off a branch or two and place the seeds in one of these 7 gallon plastic pots.
For now, I have collected Queen, Solitaire and Areca Palm Tree Seeds and potted them up in a few 7 gallon plastic pots. I already have them sitting in the warm Florida sun. I'll take a look around the Dougherty Garden and collect up some more seeds for this process.
More to come as we gather more seeds and the material to pot up some 7 gallon plastic pots. Nobody does green like Marty. See you soon.
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Donations: Please go to Paypal.com and enter in my email address - doherty167@yahoo.com and make any donation from $1.00 and up. Thank you in advance. Marty Dougherty