Add a little yellow to your garden with some Walking Iris flowers. Thay add a pleasant color to your garden for a good portion of the summer. This is the version that I have in the Dougherty Garden.

The Walking Iris with the pretty yellow blooms are presented on the end of a stem. After the bloom is finished, the stem will produce over a period of time, several new Walkig Iris plants. These young plants will mature over time, causing the stem to drop to the ground.

Today, I took the stems from the many Walking Iris plants that I have planted all over the Dougherty Garden. I was in the process of cleaning the weeds out and took the time to remove all the stems from the Walking Iris plants beause I'm started to get a lot of them in the Dougherty Garden. The above picture is from about thirty stems that I removed.

These are the new Walking Iris plants that I removed from about three stems.

This is a single Walking Iris plant with one Stem in the center of the picture with at least two young Walking Iris plants forming. The top portion of the Stem shows one actual Walkign iris flower that is still unopened. The portion below the flower is an actual Walkign Iris maturing on the Stem and weeks away from being a new Walking Iris plant.

A single Walking Iris that was pulled from a Stem and the roots have yet to form on the bottom of the Walking Iris.

An older single Walking Oris plant that I had laid on the top of a plastic pot with water in it. After a week or so, a new root started to form. Also, notice that a piece of the Stem is still attached. The top of the leaves eventually turn brown but the plant will continue to grow if planted in soil or in the ground.
If anyone is interested in purchasing a few Walking Iris plants, please let me know.
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