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Yorkville - Selected Short Bibliography of Yorkville from Joe Gindele - August 3, 2019

Marty, the memory man

Bibliogrpahy from Joe Gindele

Selected Short Bibliography of Yorkville. Compiled by Joseph

Gindele, July 20, 2019. He welcomes submission of other Yorkville

related material. Contact at: or

Joseph Gindele, 3540 Yates Ave. No., Crystal, MN 55422.

a. Yorkville

Bodnar, Theodore A. “Letters: Yorkville recalled.” New York Times,

July 3, 1983. []

Boland, Kevin N. One Day as I Stood Lonely: Yorkville. Blooming-

ton, IN: Xlibris, 2010. [258 pp.]

ISBN: 978-1-4415-8349-9.

Dougherty, Martin. Greendougherty’s Blog. See also Facebook.

Ellis, Rosalind, “A Plan to Preserve Yorkville History,” Our Town.

Upper East Side News & Community (New York), May 4, 1980.

Gindele, John & Joseph. Yorkville Twins: Growing Up in New

York City in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s (revised edition).

Golden Valley, MN: Golden Valley Publishing, 2015. [300

pp.] []

ISBN: 978-0-9839337-6-2.

Gindele, John & Joseph. Yorkville Twins: Growing Up in New

York City in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s (eBook). Golden

Valley, MN: Golden Valley Publishing, 2015.


ISBN: 978-0-9839337-9-3.

Gindele, John & Joseph. Yorkville Twins: Hilarious Adventures

Growing Up in New York City, 1944-1962 (first edition). Gold-

en Valley, MN: Golden Valley Publishing, 2012. [305 pp.]


ISBN: 978-0-9839337-5-5.

Greendougherty. Yorkville on the Also see

Greendougherty Face-book blogs.

Handel, Gerald. Making a Life in Yorkville: Experience and

Meaning in the Life-Course Narrative of an Urban Working-

Class Man. New York: Aldine De Gruyter, 2000. [149 pp]

ISBN: 0-202-30693-3.

Jastrow, Marie. Looking Back: The American Dream Through

Immigrant Eyes: 1907–1918. New York: W.W. Norton &

Company, 1986. [202 pp.]

ISBN: 978-0-393-02348-0.

Jastrow, Marie. A Time to Remember: Growing up in New York

City Before the Great War. New York: W.W. Norton Company,

1979. [174 pp.]

ISBN: 0-393-85001-3.

Leone, Olga. 74th and York: Growing Up Czech in New York City.

Tucson, Arizona: Ghost River Images, 1998. [351 pp.]

ISBN: none.

Lofaso, Anthony. Origins and History of the Village of Yorkville in

the City of New York (second edition). Bloomington, IN: Xlibris,

2015 [292 pp.]

ISBN: 978-1-4990-8548-8.

Lofaso, Anthony. Origins and History of the Village of Yorkville in

the City of New York (first edition). Bloomington, IN: Xlibris,

2010. [126 pp.]

ISBN: 978-1-4500-1940-8.

Miller, Arthur. Little Bastards of Yorkville. Parker, Colorado: Out-

skirts Press, 2017. [83 pp.]

ISBN: 978-1-4787-9190-4.

Pryor, Thomas R. I Hate the Dallas Cowboys: Tales Beyond a

Scrappy New York Boyhood. New York: YBK Publishers,

2014. [304 pp.]

ISBN: 978-1-936411-35-1.

Shaped by Immigrants: A History of Yorkville. New York: Friends

of the Upper East Side Historic Districts, 2018. [81 pp.]


ISBN: 978-0-692-18116-4.

Walsh, Bob. Growing up in Yorkville: During the 1950s. Deer Park,

New York: PBJ Enterprises, 2018. [330 pp.]


ISBN: 978-0-1986164788

Walsh, Bob. Jimmy’s Boy: Devils, Angels and Miracles—True Story

of a Blessed Child. Deer Park, New York: PBJ Enterprises, 2013.

[366 pp.] []

ISBN: 978-0-9911717-0-5.

b. Yorkville related

Kelly, Msgr. George A. Inside my Father’s House: A Priest’s Joys and

Struggles with his Church and its People—from 1939 to the Present,

1989. [400 pp]

ISBN: 978-0-385262279.

Marx, Harpo, and Rowland Barber. Harpo Speaks! Limelight ed.

New York: Proscenium Publishers, 1962. [482 pp.]

ISBN: 087910-036-2.

McCabe, John. Cagney. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997. [439


ISBN: 0-7867-0580-9.

Robinson, Ray. Iron Horse: Lou Gehrig in His Time. New York:

HarperPerennial, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers,

1990. [300 pp.]

ISBN: 9780393028577.

c. New York City related

Ballard, Charles. L. Images of Rail: Metropolitan New York’s Third

Avenue Railway System. Chicago: Arcadia, 2005. [128 pp.]

ISBN: 0-7385-3810-8.

Diehl, Lorraine B. and Marianne Hardart. The Automat: The

History, Recipes, and Allure of Horn & Hardart’s Master-

piece. New York: Clarkson/Potter Publishers, 2002. [128 pp.]

ISBN: 0-609-610740.

Frommer, Harvey, and Myrna Katz Frommer. It Happened in Man-

hattan: An Oral History of Life in the City During the Mid-

Twentieth Century. New York: Berkley Publishing Group,

2001. [336 pp.]

ISBN: 0-425-18169-3.

Granfield, Linda. 97 Orchard Street, New York: Stories of Immigrant

Life. New York: Tundra Books, 2001. [56 pp.]

ISBN: 9780887765803.

Kendall, Alan. George Gershwin: A Biography. New York: Universe

Books, 1987. [192 pp.]

ISBN: 978-0245543326.

Plunz, Richard. A History of Housing in New York City. New York:

Columbia University Press, 1990. [422 pp.]

ISBN: 9780231062978.

Pryor, Thomas R. River to River: New York Scenes from a Bicycle.

New York: YBK Publishers, 2012. [23 pp.].

ISBN: 978-1-936411-19-1.

Riis, Jacob A. How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tene-

ments of New York. New York: Dover Publishers, 1971. [233 pp.]

Stelter, Lawrence. By the El: Third Avenue and Its El at Mid-Century

(second edition). New York: Stelterfoto, 1995, 2007. [132pp.]

ISBN: 978-0-9777220-1-3.

Stern, Roxanne S. and Graham, Stanley R. A Lifetime worth Remembering:

New York City 1920 to 1960, 2010 [163 pp].

ISBN: 978-1-1453753-1-9.

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