Scientific Name: Epiphyllum Hookeri
Common Name: Climbing Cactus N09
Type: (Climbing) Cactus
I've had the Climbing Cactus in the Dougherty Garden for several years now and I'm still getting used to handling the Climbing Cactus. There are little spiney needles that stick out along the edges that tend to prick your skin, no matter how you handle the Climbing Cactus without gloves. It's a beautiftul cactus once it adapts itself to a tree that it can climb to the sky.
Only one of my Cactus plants have flowered over the years and that be for the fact that I tend to move them to assorted locations over the years. Presently, I'm going to plant the Climbing Cactus right next to my Climbing Orchid. The Climbing Orchid bloomed as it was climbing and attached to the Solitaire Palm Tree. I'll plant both of them again in the same location. Pictures to follow after they are planted together.
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