A Baked Meatball Pie

Ground Round Beef mixed with assorted condiments (Salt, Pepper, Ground Garlic, etc.)

Form the Meat into small balls. Fry the Meatballs in the rfing pan with Oil.

Marie fries the Meatballs until they are brown on one side before flipping them over to fry o the other side. I get to sample a few of the Meatballs before they end up in the Meatball Pie and baked in the oven.

At this point, all the Meatballs are fried and dark brown. They are ready for preparing them for making a Fried Meatball Pie to be baked in the oven.

Marie uses her Pizza Dough and forms the dough in a pie pan, just as you would be when making a regular apple pie. I didn't get a picture of the process of Marie hand breaking the Meatballs up into small piecs. She then adds her Tomatoe Sauce on the crushed Fried Meatballs.

Here is a picture from another Fried Meatball Pie that Marie made and she used a glass pie dish for baking in the oven. I believe that she normally used a glass dish but the above picture was not not clear enough to show the glass dish. Here is the finished Meatball Pie before placing a cover over the contents with some more pizza dough.
On this particular Fried Meatballs Pie, the Meatballs were placed in the pie shell exactly as you see them. The Fried Meatball Pie that was made for this recipe, Marie broke up the Fried Meatballs and mixed in the Tomatoe Sauce.

Here is a picture of two of Marie's Pies. One is a Meatball and the other is a Sausage and Pepper Pie.

Here is the Meatball Pie after being baked in Marie's oven at 350 degrees for half an hour, or, until browned.
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