This is a face out of a time in Yorkville that was captured by a news photographer of a few boys and girls in Warren's Candy Store. Denny Ferado was able to track down the man that took the picture and I hope he can pull up his story from when he was able to give us more background on the story of this picture. I was able to cut the picture down and cut out Billy Auger.
Billy Auger's call to fame was that he was the subject of a sermon given by Fr. Derembacher at St. Joseph's Church and that the church was not the proper place to comb one's hair. On a Saturday evening, Billy was in the lower church and busy combing his hair when Fr. Derembacher was in the confessional hearing confessions. He looked out and saw Billy Auger in the back of the church using the mirror to make sure his long hair was in place. It was a Yorkville moment. Enjoy,
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