Scientific Name: Cordyline Fruiticosa
Common Name: Hawaiian Ti with Green Leaves N71
Type: Tropical Plant
I have had the Hawaiian Ti plant in the Dougherty Garden for years. I have two versions, one with green leafs and one with pink leafs, which I believe is called Fruiticosa. I started out with one or to and now I have about ten to twelve in and out fo the ground.
They have been knocked down with strong winds, tropical storms, hurricanes and aven had a Coconut palm tree fall on them and they are still growing in the Dougherty Garden.
Over the years, the green one is the only one that has produced flowers and followed up with seeds. I have kept track of the one in the front of the Dougherty Garden and noticed that one of the seeds actually germinated into a plant. I'm still waiting for the pink version to produce a flower and hope that will come this summer.
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