Here is a pot full of Cabbage palm tree seedlings. This, for all practical purposes, would be considered a weed by your typical palm tree collectior. it literally grows all over the place down here. It's a favorite palm tree used by local developers because they load up their new homes with the Cabbage palm trees and Queen palm trees in the front landscape. They are not expensive palm trees but to a new buyer, they think the world of their landscape and quickly sign on the dotted line.
The other problem with these type of palm trees is that they require a lot of manitainenace on a monthly basis. Your HOA will get after you if you are not trimming your landscape properly. Now, there are two ways that you can go for manitaining your landsape.
The first one is to contract with a local gardener that you'll see on a weekly basis during the growing season. They'll do a periodic cutting to your palm trees, at a cost. They do a close up because they don't want to be cutting them on a monthly basis and charge a certain price for each tree. Unfortunately, your palm trees will look like shit, closely trimmed with one or two palm leafs still on the palm tree.
The proper way to do is to spend a few extra bucks and have an arborist do the cutting on a regular basis and -your landscape will look beauftiful. The other way to approach a Florida plam tree landscape is to install palm trees that are self pruning. This means that when the palm tree leaf turns brown, the leaf will eventually fall off with no human intervention and it's for free.
That's a little about palm trees in your landscape. Enjoy,
Marty Dougherty