In the process of removing the weeds from Area D of the Dougherty Garden, I decided to plant a few of the Variegated Hibiscus plants that I had in pots for the past few years. This area affords full sun during the day and I'll see if they fare a little better than they did as part of the Hibiscus Hedge on the other side of the Dougherty Garden.

I'm thankful to the heavy duty shovel that I had to dig a hole for planting because I was encountering several small roots from that tree stump that you see in this picture. I was able to severe the roots and plant two of the Variegated Hibiscus plants. In the next few day, I'll plant the rest of the Variegated Hibiscus plants to the left and right of the tree stump. I still have to borrow the chain saw to cut the tree stumps that the new flowers are being planted next to.
Thta'll save a few plants from being thrown out this weekend. Enjoy,
Marty Dougherty