And now 85th Street if I didn't cover it before. This was the street that I grew up on. I'll share a few memories of 85th Street that I can recall.

85th Street - Looking west from the top of 320 East 85th Street in 1965
Families of 85th Street
Anderson, Andersen 322, Jim & Barbara Bray (Candy Store), Jack Coscia 342, Jack Coscia 342, DeSemeone 301, Marty Dougherty 324, Dunne, Andrea Elfriede 217, Hart, Kevin, Barbara Kishkill Schustek 440, Richard Kulzer, Joseph Kurtz, Levoun, Maureen Lyons 424, Christopher Mannion 435, Markovics 322, Puskas 321, Scheide, Barbara Schrager 320, Angelo Servedio 321, Diane Varady Rafferty 324, Zanko 321.
A Few Landmarks of 85th Street
85th Street Memories
Post Office bet 2nd and 3rd Avenues
Bray's Candy Store
Beggi's Steakhouse
Cozy Corner Bar and Restaurant
Old Stream Bar & Restaurant
PS 77 Grammar School
That covers a few families and landmarks of 85th Street in Yorkville. Enjoy,
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