It's that time of the year when I thin the herd, or, clean up the Dougherty Garden and see how I can reduce what is back there. My first plant, or plants are that of the Sanserviera plants. I have two to three of them and chose to donate several of the big ones to the recycle bin so that some of the Dougherty Garden lives on at the recycling center in Palm Beach County.

This one is called the Mule Ears.

This version is called Rope, or, Snake Sanserviera.

And this is the Variegated Sanserviera plant.
Well, that covers all of the Sanserviera plants in the Dougherty Garden. This type of plant would look nice in pots. Initially, I put a few of them in the ground at the Dougherty Garden but some plants, like the Sanserviera plants, tend to take over when they are planted in the garden. Before you know it, youy'll have fun pulling a new shoot out of the ground when the root find a new place to throw out a new shoot.
Thanks for stopping by the Dougherty Garden,
Marty Dougherty