The Black Racer Snake is probably one of the most popular visitors in the Dougherty Garden. There are a few other visitors that come but the Black Racer Snake is the one that I remember the most because it is fast. It's not poisonous but a bite would not be wise so I always let it do what it wants to do and just take a picture of it.
Siome of the other visitors to the Dougherty Garden are ants that come in a variety of sizes. I usually come across most of thm when I am doing some cutting to the branches ot the palm treees where I'll uncover them in the base of the leaves.
Years ago, I washaviong problems with Fire Ants which are nasty little ants if you get bit. I had one large Fire Ant Mound while at the same time I was being invaded by the Saddleback Caterpillar. It was a tough summer but I was able to get a handle and remove both pests.
Here is a video covering a few short videos on my visitors to the Dougherty Garden.
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