Scientific Name: Platycerium bifurcatum
Common Name: Staghorn Fern
Type of Plant: Fern
The above Staghorn Fern is a piece of the original Staghorn Fern that i have in a large terra cotta plastic pot. The large Staghorn Fern fell a few years ago and this section split off. I fastened the Staghorn Fern to the bough of the Sword of Christ Tree and it has been growing.

This is a single Stahorn Fern that I attached to the Areca palm tree in the front of the house. At the time, this Staghorn Fern only hs two ferns and now has several leafs.

And now the final Staghorn Fern that has been in the Dougherty Garden for more than twenty years. The normal place to hang this size Staghorn Fern is from the branches of a large tree. It should be hung from heavy chains from a large tree to correctly display this Staghorn Fern.
Presently, there is a lot of unusual plants growing from inside the Staghorn Fern. I plan to remove them in the near future after I get control over the weeds and spread some mulch in the next few weeks. I'll get my gloves on and remove som eof the plants growing inside the Staghorn Fern.
Staghorn Ferns in the Dougherty Garden
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Marty Dougherty
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