A few plastic cups filled with Madgascar Tree Seedlings. This is the first year that I was able to capture any of the Madgascar Seeds that fell from the tree. I was able to notice the seed pods that were on the Madgascar Tree and amde a point of looki g for starnge litte green sprouts at the base of the Madagascar Tree.
I spotted a few that were producing these lonmg leaves and I knew that we ere going to get a bunch of Madagascar Tree Seedlings. The pot on the upper left of the picture, just under the hawaiianTi plants has about 20 seedlings in that pot.
I'm at a loss at the moment as to what to do about the large Madgascar Tree that is growing just above the Madagascar Seedlings. It's getting too big to continue growing in its current location.

Two separate Variegated Hibiscus Plants that are finally producing red flowers. The above red flower has bloomed today and is a bit smaller than the regular Hibscus Flowers that are part of my Hibiscus Hedge. I may move these two Variegated Hibiscus Plants into larger pots and upgade the soil and fertilizer and see if the plants increase in size and flower blooms.

In the middle of these palm trees is the Phoenix reclinata (Reclining palm tree) that has fianlly put out seed bracts that are loaded with seeds. We'll wait and see what we get in a few months related to the amount of palm tree seeds the Reclinata palm tree will produce.

The above picture is of 10 or so Radish plants that I put up quickly to see if they survive and produce a Radish. This morning, I stopped by these young plants and lifted the seedlings up and freed them from the soil that the leaves were held down by after I hosed them. Now, we'll sit back and see what happens.

The brown dirt area has about 10 Pepper plants that I quickly planted to make sure the Pepper Seedlings didn't die on me. They are in full sun and we'll see how they do over time. It's the one plant that I like because Marie makes Sausage and Peppers and this will be main ingredient if we are successful in growing Peppers.

I just added fresh soil and fertilizer to these Teddy Bear Palm Trees. I'm in the process of re-setting the garden side area so that my roof can get cleaned. While I was at the Teddy Bear plants, I removed any weeds that were growing and any old and brown Teddy Bear Palm Tree leaves.

Several cups of Buddga Belly plants that are part of the re arrangement while I remove weeds and add some fertilizer and soil that was washed away in the heavy rains.

Tye above row is of several varieties of Euphobia plants thar are going through some repotting and adding some fertilizer. If and when I get a color on the flower when they come, I'll be able to re-label the correct numbers. I'm constantly fighting the birds that visit the plants for food and they rip out my plastic labels for some reason.

This is a picture of my Phoenix Reclinata Palm Tree that I cropped out the Reclinata Palm Tree for a closer look at the palm tree. It is a clustering palm tree and at the moment needs a bit of cleaning up to get rid of the old palm tree leaves.

These are a few pots of the Washington robusta palm tree seedlings. Since I have most of the palm tree seeds in large 5 gallon pots, I'll pot this up in a one gallon pot since I don't have a lot of palm tree seeds. This is the first year that I let the day to day maintenance of the Dougherty Garden get away from me since my accident. We'll try and pick up the pace over the winter months.

The Chinese Money Plant. As I said, this is the newest plant that I received from Ruth's Tropical Garden. I initially tried to separate this plant but opted not to because the little seedlings were actually seedlings attached to the mother plant. Until I learn a little more about the Chinese Money Plant, I'll leave it alone to gather a little more information on this plant.

Another plant that I recently did a YouTube video on is this Monstera, which has these unusual leaves. I have the original one in the ground planted at the base of a Solitaire palm tree. It grew to about ten plus feet, attaching itself to the Solitaire palm tree as it was growing.
The Monstera produced several spathes over the years but has yet to produce any seedlings at the base of the Solitaire palm tree where I have it growing.
In addition to the Monstera growing on the Solitaire palm tree, I have three other Monstera in pots. These were all grown from the mother plant on the Solitaire palm tree. It's a plant that takes very easily to grow from cuttings in a pot of soil.
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Donations: Please go to Paypal.com and enter in my email address - doherty167@yahoo.com and make any donation from $1.00 and up. Thank you in advance. Marty Dougherty