Plant of the Day

Dark Spots on Green Leaf DS67
For now, this will be called the Dark Spotted Leaf. Presently, I have only one pot of this type of plant. There are a bunch of small pups just next o it in the same pot. I think that I may have potted a few up in another pot but can not find it at the moment.

Helconia HE55
A long time ago when I was a member of the Palm Society, there was a speaker who talked about this plant and how he uses it as a barometer for his garden. He planted Heliconia all over his garden and stated when he looks at the leaves, he can tell how much fertilizer he has to add by looking at the color of the green leaves. if the color of the leaves are light green, he knows that he has to add some fertilizer to his garden in that area. If the leaves are dark green, he knows that that area of the garden has suffcient fertilizer.

Light Spots on a Dark Leaf LS68
There are a variety of plants with green leafs. This particular green leaf has light spots on a dark green leaf. I'll do a search on the net to see if I can get a correct name for this plant.

Madagascar Jewel C68
At least I was able to get the name of this plant whch is called the Madagascar Jewel. As you can see at the base of the plant, there are a few new seedling growing in the pot. This plant is a survivor by producing new seedlings which germinate right at the base of the mother plant.
As with the majority of the plants in this post, all are kept in a shady environment because the sun is so intesce.

Pink Princess PH211
The Pink Princess is the most recent addition to the Dougherty Garden from Ruth's Tropical Garden. I received one pot and now we have them in a few pots as you can see in the above picture. The newest Leaf is on the right side of the picture and I'll see if I can follow it to see if any pink color comes after a time period.

Pothos - New Version PO62
This is a new version, at least to me, of the Pothos plant in the Dougherty Garden that I received from Ruth Tropical Garden. It's almost like a smokey variation but I'm still trying to confirm a name for this new Pothos Plant.

Touch Me Not TO63
The last in the plants from today in the Dougherty Garden is that of the Touch Me Not TOO63. I received these some time ago from Ruth's Tropical Garden. They seem to prefer the shady area. I get a kick out of running my finger on the bottom side of the Touch Me Not Leafs and watching the leafs close up as my finger passes.
That covers Today in the Dougherty Garden and a few of the plants that caught my attention today. Enjoy.
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