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TD004 Today in the Dougherty Garden - Coconut Seeds - July 28, 2019

Marty, the green man

Today's Plant of the Day

Tall Coconut Seeds. As I was walking through the garden, I gathered the last of the Coconuts that fell fom the Tall Jamaican Coconut Palm Tree and was getting ready to throw them out because none were putting out a root. The last one that I grabbed was difficult to pull out because a root had formed. I pulled that one out and placed it in a large pot for it grow over time. Here are six more Coconuts that will sit in the sun to see if they'll germinate.

Here is the Kentiopsis olivformis - Miraguama palm tree which is settling into its new location under the canopy of a few Solitaire palm trees. I took a look this morning to see that it still looks fresh and has not started to turn brown on the new growth. So far, so good. Only time will tell.

This is a fairly healthy Bird of Paradise plant that just started to produce a few more flowers. from my past experience with the Bird of Paradise plant, I should be able to find some seeds in the flower after it blooms. I have one candidate that is passed its bloom and will check it out to see if i'm lucky in getting a few seeds.

This is your standard Cactus plant leaf that I was going to cut up and throw in the compost bin but decided to drop it in this section of the garden to see it decompose over time. As you can see, several Cactus Pups have grown from the edges of the Cactus Leaf. I tried to move it a bit but the roots had already attached to the ground below the Solitaire palm tree. I'm anxious top see the colors of the blooms that will come from this Cactus plant.

This is my Desert Rose plant that produces pink flowers. As I was going by the Desert Rose the other day, I noticed a Seed Pod on one stem of the Desert Rose. It is visible on the top edge of the terra cotta pot. It is about four inches long and looks like a tube. I'll try and keep a close eye on it but I have found out over time that Mother Nature always surprises me when these type of events happen. It's usually when you are not around to catch the event. I'm more anxious to see what the seeds will look like when the tube opens.

Just a quick shot of the Pothos plant climbing up the trunk of a Cabbage Palm Tree.

Red Hibiscus Flower with a bit of White mixed in hat I have been trying to find a picture of with the proper name. So far, no luck. It's a very pretty Hibiscus becaue the white is placed so that you notice the blooms from a distance.

This is my Double Red Hibiscus flower that is part of the Hibiscus Hedge. I used the Hibiscus plants as a hedge as they are easy to maintain and don't need to be painted.

This is a Seed Bract on a Queen Palm Tree. There are a couple of hundred Queen Palm Tree Seeds that will fall to the ground when they ripen and are the color of orange. The only problem that I have with the Queen Palm Tree is that it is a pain to maintain as the palm leaves have to be cut off. The other inconvenience is that the orange seeds attract a bunch of flies that are present on the seeds when they fall from the palm tree. And, when the seeds fall, you get hundeds of seeds and the flies that are attracted by the aroma.

This is the seeds of a Bottle Palm Tree. Right now, they are green and I'm waiting to see how long the process is for then to turn a ripe color. Stay with us to learn what a Bottle Palm Tree goes through in producing seeds that will germinate.

That covers Today in the Dougherty Garden.

Note: If you are the owner of any of these pictures, please let me know so that I can add your name to the credits for the picture. You can click on my name above (my email) to let me know.

Donations: Please go to and enter in my email address - and make any donation from $1.00 and up. Thank you in advance. Marty Dougherty

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