This is one version of Marie's Home Made Pizza Pies topped with Mozzarella Cheese. Now, we'll go step by step with the process to make a Home Made Pizza Pie.

The Pizza making process starts with having some Pizza Dough. We'll make this very simple. If you have a good bakery that makes Pizza Dough, like we do, then purchase some bags of Pizza Dough to ge you started. It takes a bit of time to make make Pizza Dough and if your local bakery that you trust makes Pizza Dough, they purchase your Pizza Dough there. Spend your time perfecting your Pizza Pie.

Marie keeps her Pizza Dough in plastic bags in the refrigerator until the day she uses them to make a Pizza Pie. In the morning, when she gets up, she'll take the bags of Pizza Dough out of the refrigerator and places them on the counter to get them to room temperature before she works with Pizza Dough.
Each Pizza Dough is approximately the size of a large Pizza Pie. In this case, Marie cuts this particular Pizza Dough into two even pieces. Hence, smaller Pizza Pies.

The next step is to have a clean work area to form your Pizza Pie for baking in the oven. Sprinkle flour around your work area. Press down on the Pizza Dough with your hands to form a flat pie dough.

We use a Rolling Pin at times to help flatten out the Pizza Dough. Rolling back and forth and pressing down on the Pizza Dough as you get to the outside edge to pop any air bubbles left in the Pizza Dough.

By picking up the Pizza Dough as you work with it will enable you to get a feel for the dough. Just like in the pizza Parlor, place the Pizza Dough on your knuckles and gently work your closed fist a part and stretching the Pizza Dough. This will take a few minutes and the process gets second nature after a short time.

This is what the Pizza Dough should look like after you have rolled it and worked the Pizza Dough with your hands. It should be large enough to stretch out on a Pizza Pan.

Apply a bit of Vegetable Oil by hand to the Pizza Pan. This will aid the ability for the Pizza Pie to slide off when finished baking in the oven.

Here is what the Pizza Dough looks like when prepared for a circular Pan Pizza. Make sure you push the dough from the center out towards the edge. As yolu can see in the above picture, the Pizza Dough wity be a little puffy on the outer edge. When you add the tomatoe sauce, the edge will not get any sauce.

Apply your Tomatoe Sauce evenly over you Pizza Pie, making sure you are not covering the edge of the Pizza Pie.

Marie applies an even layer of Grated Mozzarella Cheese over the Tomatoe Sauce. For most peoppe that like a Plain Cheese Pizza Pie, this is all you need to do and it's ready to Bake in the Oven.

If you like to add some toppings, like Pepperoni Slices, just add them to the top of the Cheese on the Pizza Pie. Most additional toppings can be added at this time. Marie will sprinkle a bit of Parmesan Cheese to add some additional flovor to the Pizza Pie.

This is what the Cheese Pizza Pie looks like when ready for placing in the oven for baking. Place on the bottom tray of the oven at 400 degrees and bake until the bottom of the Pizza turns a little Brown. At this point, Marie likes to take the Pizza Pie and place it on the top tray of the oven to brown the Pizza Pie, as shown in the picture below.

Marie's finished Round Pizza Pie.
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