Just setting this index up to cover posts covering the Italiano Family portion of the Dougherty Family. The above picture is of Dick (Dominick) Iacone and Mary (Vitrano) Iacone before they were married, I think. There are some names written on the picture which I can not confirm at the moment and we'll see if we get an answer soon.
I have a ton of pictures of the Iacone Family which will be broken down into Dominick Iacone and Mary Vitrano. We'll be adding a link as we re do each page.This is a quick set up for the moment.
Italiano Family of Astoria
The Iacone Family ended up in Astoria, Long Island, New York City. I belive that the family, the Iacone Family, started in East New York. For as long as I know, part of the Iacone Family lived on Madison Street down in Little Italy. When I came inot the family, Aunt Nettie loved here and served me my first Italian meal, family style, Baked Manicottis.
There was a lot of history for this location on Madison Street and the cellar was several floors below ground which had numerous tunnels which were eventually bricked up. I would have loved to have seen the cellar, as it would of had pricless memories. But the cellar was lost to time.
When I came into the family, the movie, The Godfather, was being filmed in various points around the city, and at times, in Little Italy. I never saw any of the movie stars but I did get to hear, first hand, some of the stories that were to be told in the movie. My father-in-law went to school with a few of the members of the family.
The Iacone family of Astoria lived on 37th Street, across from Precious Blood Church. Mary and Dick (Richard) Iacone lived on the 2nd Floor. On the first floor, Mary's bother, Alfonso (uncle Fran) Vitrano, lived with his wife, Dolores (Marghise) Vitrano and their daughter, Dee (Dolores) Vitrano. Mary's other brother, Eddie Vitrano and his wife, Dolores Viverito, lived a little further out in Queens.
For the sake of simplicity, I'll break down the family into two sections, Iacone Family and the Vitrano Family.
Iacone Family
Picture Memories of Little Italy No. 01
Picture Memories of Little Italy No. 02
Picture Memories of Little Italy No. 03
Marie's Recipes
Vitrano Family
Manna Genealogy - Grandma Vitrano - 08/28/19
A short intro to the Vitrano family of new york City. I spoke to Marie just to confirm that her mother's family lived at the same address on Avenue C and I had known Grandma Vitrano to live in at the time I came into the family.
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Note: If you are the owner of any of these pictures, please let me know so that I can add your name to the credits for the picture. You can click on my name above (my email) to let me know.
Donations: Please go to Paypal.com and enter in my email address - doherty167@yahoo.com and make any donation from $1.00 and up. Thank you in advance. Marty Dougherty
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