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Cardinal Hayes High School S005 - Schools Attended By Yorkville Students - December 19, 2018

Marty Dougherty

Cardinal Hayes High School

Here is my alma mater, Cardinal Hayes High School. Did I spell that right? In was located at 650 Grand Concourse in the Bronx and we took the Lexington Avenue Express and got off to smoke our cigarettes.

Some of the teachers were a bit unusual. One was a Fr. Peters, who happened to be the Athletic Director and our English teacher. I'm having brain drain at the moment.

It was report card time and Fr. Peters was talking to the class about their marks on their report cards and that he told the parent the night before that he would handle the incentive for the boys to do better in the next reporting period. He called out five boys who had failed that report period and told them to come up to the front of the class.

All five boys made their way up to the front of the class and Fr. Peters informed them of their grades and that he would provide an incentive for each point that was below the passing grade so as to offer them the proper incentive to do better in the next reporting period.

With that thought in mind, Fr. Peters walked over to the empty desk, ripped off the wooden leaf that you leaned on and wrote on and we heard it snap off becuase it gave a loud crack as the wood was pulled away from the desk.

Now, Fr. Peters was the Athletic Director for the school and his pride and joy was the football team. He actaully looked like an ex football linebacher and did play football in school. He was big so the breaking the wood off the desk was not a problem.

He asked the first boy about his grade and it was three points below the passing grade and Fr. Peters told him to bend over and proceeded to whacked him three times over his rear and proceeded to the same with each boy with the appropriate paddles for each boy and the number of points below the passing grade.

All of the boys returned to their seats to try and sit down after being paddled. Fr. Peters said that we'll see how we all do for the next reporting period. And guess what? No one failed the next reporting period.

Next time. I'll talk about Fr. Jablonski, the Dean of Discipline and Fr. (Forget the name at the moment), Dean of Studies, at Cardinal Hayes High School. Enjoy,

Marty Dougherty

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