81st Street
81st Street was one of the street I was pretty familiar with from back in the day. I remember the Floods and Bergins from 81st Street. The Floods were into boxing and my older brother Paddy knew the Flood boys because he was bit gutsy and did a bit of PAL boxing when he was 15 years old.
The other family was the Bergins and Jimmy was the big trouble one. He had a brother called Tommy who was no problem as it related to me. There was another one called Jo Jo that I did not get along with at all. The one time I bump into him was on 1st Avenue with those stores that you could walk in the entrance and look at what was in the display without going in the store. This dipstick comes over to me and tap his cast on my head trying to scare me. I told him what to do and walked away.
Anyway, I took a girl home from a dance and she lived on 81st Street. I got to her address and we stopped to talk on her stoop and the converation came around to who lived in her building. I remember her saying the at the Flood family lived in her building. I forget if she was pretty or not but figured life would be easier if we both went our separate ways.

81st Street
On Pinterest: Yorkville - East Side of Manhattan in New York City
Families of 81st Street
Kathy Havelka Baker 331 East 81st Street
Jeanne Darling Gallagher 450 East 81st Street
Theresa Conlin Kelly 409 East 81st Street
Karen Maldonado 419 East 81st Street
Rosemary Marino 81st Street
Debbie Casterlin Phillips 533 East 81st Street
Charlie Povermo 333 East 81st Street.
Barbara L Turek 414 East 81st Street
Michael T Sheehan 168 East 81 Street
A Few Landmarks on 81st Street

East River Staircase to Promenade
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