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TD009* - Today in the Dougherty Garden - Yellow Alder - October 13, 2019

Marty, the green man

Yellow Alder plant with several yellow flowers. This plant is about four feet in height and will grow laterallly to 6 to 8 feet.

It's a simple small, yellow flower. Over the last year, I have been wondering why I have so many new seedlings all over the driveway. I kept on seeing these small little seedlings growign out of the cracks between the stones on the driveway. They were always so clustered together. Today, I found out why they were so clustered. The seeds are very small.

A closeup view of the Yellow Alder's Seed Pod on the left and the Flower Bud that is yet to bloom on the right. What I did was collect about ten to 15 Seed pods. I pulled them all apart to get at the Seed Pods of the Yellow Alder.

Today I learned about Seed Pods on the Yellow Alder Flower. I gathered a bunch of these little Seed Pods and placed them in the four inch plastic pot and went back in side the house. One of the Seed Pods was a bit off color but it didn't hit me at the time. When I came out to take another picture for this blog, I noticed a lot if small ant activity

This is the link to the video that I uploaded to YouTube of the small ants eating the bugs that were inside of the Seed Pods. At this point, I did not have a magnifying glass to see what the numerous number of ants were eating. I have to keep one of those out in the garden for use on the next find.

This was taken when I returned to the pot to open up a few of the Seed Pods to see what the Seeds looked like. I did observe a bunch of ants coming in a column and devouring the bugs in the Seed Pod. After I disturbed them by taking the video, they seemed to disappeared very quickly and only a few ants remained.

A close up look at th ants devouring the small bugs froi inside the Seed Pod. After looking at the assorted pictures and the actual seeds that were in the Seed Pod and going back to the Yellow Alder plant to look for mature Seed Pods, I came to the opinion that the Seeds are actually a dark color when dried out. I'll double check that tomorrow and confirm that on this blog.

Note: If you are the owner of any of these pictures, please let me know so that I can add your name to the credits for the picture. You can click on my name above (my email) to let me know.

Donations: Please go to and enter in my email address - and make any donation from $1.00 and up. Thank you in advance. Marty Dougherty


Wellington, Florida 33414

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