Little Anthony and the Imperials
Here are a few tunes by Little Anthony and the ImperiaIs. Not too long ago, Little Anthony and the Imperials covered a few old tunes from the Heartbeats, Flamingos, Valentines, and a few other groups. Enjoy the musical memories.
A Thousand Miles Away (Heartbeats covered by the Imperials)
Creation Of Love ( Teenagers covered by the Imperials)
Don't Say Goodnight (Valentines covered by the Imperials)
Earth Angel and Devil Or Angel (Penguins coivered by Imperials)
Goin' Out Of My Head - MFT
Goodnight Sweetheart (Spaniels covered by the Imperials)
I Love You - MFT
I Only Have Eyes For You (Flamingos covered by Imperials)
I'll Be Forever Loving You (El Dorados Tune covered by Imperials)
I'll Be Home (Flamingos covered by the Imperials)
So In Love
Tears On My PIllow - MFT
That's The Way It Goes - MFT
This Love Of Mine - MFT
Two People In The World - MFT
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