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TD005 Today in the Dougherty Garden - Plumeria with White Flowers - August 2, 2019

Marty, the green man

Today's Plant of the Day

This is a picture of the top of my Plumeria plant which I have planted in a plastic pot. I had to use a 6" x 6" cinder block to stand on. I also had to brace myself with my left hand on an Areca palm tree and use my Tablet to capture the white flowers at the top with my right hand and click the button to take a picture. I had to take a few to get at least what you see above.

The Allamanda Rose on a shady day. I have two vining plants and this version is more active than its couterpart, the Yellow Allamanda.

Here is a my Red Desert Rose plant and a new Madagascar Tree seedling.

Double Red Hibiscus Flower in the middle of the Hibiscus Hedge. I'll try adding a bit of fertilizer to boost blooms on the Hibiscus Hedge.

This is one of my Mother and Daughter Croton plant. It loves the area it is in at the moment and we'll switch this plant to another section and possibly plant in the ground. I love the nmame of the plant.

I still call this Hibiscus plant the Oscar because it was from his Hibiscus Tree that I got the original cutting from many years ago. I have it in the Hibiscus Hedge at the Dougherty Garden and its habit is to grow straight up in the air.

My Hibiscus flowers are not as pretty this year as they were for the previous years. Like I said above, I'll start to add some fertilizer to se if that will make a difference.

While I was taking a picture of my Plumeria plant, I noticed quite a few young new shoots on several branches. I removed about 6 or 7 and using some rooting hormone and potted them up and placed the pot below the main plant.

My Poinsettia plant from last season is coming out with all this new growth. I'll keep it in its present location as it seems to be doing fine.

This is what I call my Rasberry Hibiscus plant that I found many years ago while in a temporary accounting assignment in North Palm Beach. I get a lot of plants from Ruth's Tropical Garden and every so often, when I'm traveling around, I'll snap off a small cutting and place it in some damp napkins and plant it up as soon as I get home. Most of the time, I'm successful in finding new and unusual plants.

Another colorful Hibiscus with a Red and White color in its bloom. I have this on the Hibiscus Hedge side but off in a distance in an area by itself. It appears to love the area it is in, under the canopy of an Areca Palm Tree. I'm in the area doing some soil maintenance and mulching and will possibly take a few cuttings and start some new Hibiscus plants.

Here is my Saw Palmetto Palm Tree, or, Serenoa repens. A few months ago I did some cutting back in order for me to spot a new seed bract that may grow. After looking the other day, I was unable to find any new seed bratcs and will proceed with another cut back of the older leaves to see if a seed bract is hiding somewhere under there.

My first large and only seed bract was last year and produced about 7 to 10 seeds. I believe that only one or two seeds germinated from that batch and look forward to seeing if I get a new seed bract this year.

This is my Senecio Succulent plant that I was looking forward to because I found out that they have flowers blooming from the top. I'm not sure if I placed the Senecio Succulent in too much shaded but it apparently had its affect on the plant. Part of the plant fell sideways with part of the plant becoming mushy.

I broke off the bad pieces off and spead the stems that you see in the top pot to see if they will develop into new plants. As you can see from the picture, the top of the plant, that part that survived is still growing and putting out some new shoots on the top. The loose stems that fell off are still green, and I'll let them stay there to see if I get a few new plants.

My Tall Jamaican Coconut Palm Tree is still full of big Coconuts. The first few years that I was growign the Tall Jamaican Coconut Palm Tree, most of the seeds that fell off did not germinate. That changed the other day, when I went to grab a few of the coconuts to throw out and I couldn't pull it from the ground because it had rooted.

I immediately grabbed the other seven that I had and placed them in a nice sunny area to see if the others may follow suit and germinate, too.

I took a second look at my other variegated Hibiscus plants that I had placed in his area of the Dougherty Garden.The plants were overcomed by the intense weeds this years and my inability to get on top of them. I'll dig them up and place them in a large pot and put them in the sun. I've been trying to get them to grwo but without much success in this area...too much shade.

That covers Today in the Dougherty Garden.

Note: If you are the owner of any of these pictures, please let me know so that I can add your name to the credits for the picture. You can click on my name above (my email) to let me know.

Donations: Please go to and enter in my email address - and make any donation from $1.00 and up. Thank you in advance. Marty Dougherty

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