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Touch Me Not - Flowers of the Dougherty Garden - May 18, 2019

Marty, the green man

Scientific Name: Mimosa pudica

Common Name: Touch Me Not TO63

Type: Flowering Plant

One of the plants that was given to me a few years ago by Ruth from her Tropical Garden. I'm still getting used to where I can place the Touch Me Not plant on a permanent basis. I have seen the little leaves fold up under the intense heat of the Florida sun so I'll try and find a place in the garden that will be a comfortable location for this plant.

I had these Touch Me Not plants on the side of the house and the intense rains that we received last week removed most of the soil that were in these small plastic cups. I placed the plastic pots in my soil container and added more soil and a some fertilizer. I use my special concoction that is Perlite with the blue Miracle grow that turned to a liquid that I drip in a plastic container and skake up. I add this to my soil concoction and made more soil for my Touch Me Not plants.

Blue Perlite

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Wellington, Florida 33414

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