Patrick and Michael Dougherty of 324 East 85th Street. This picture was taken in front of 317-319 East 85th Street. The Kerrigan family lived in 317 and the Kulzer family lived in 319.The time period would be around the late 1940s or early 1950s. The Doughertys were in their Howard's best Easter clothes from 86th Street.
Families of 85th Street
Bray Family of 85th Street
Jack Coscia 342 East 85th Street
Dougherty Family of 324 East 85th Street
Andrea Elfriede 217 East 85th Street
Heart Family of 85th Street
Kevan Family of 85th Street
Kurtz Family of 85th Street
Maureen Lyons 424 East 85 Street.
Christopher Mannion 435 East 85th Street
Scheide Family of 85th Street
Schrager Family of 320 East 85th Street
Angelo Servedio 321 East 85th Street
Barbara Kishkill Schustek 440 East 85th Street
Diane Varady (Rafferty) Family of 85th Street
Zanko Family of 321 East 85th Street
On Pinterest: Yorkville - East Side of Manhattan in New York City
A Few Landmarks on 85th Street
Beggi's Tavern
Bray's Candy Store
Chinese Laundry
Cozy Corner Bar & Restaurant
Dry Cleaners
Gene's Grocery Store
Old Stream Bar & Restaurant (Name?)
Peter's Trucking
PS 77
Sharing a few memories. Enjoy,
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Donations: Please go to Paypal.com and enter in my email address - doherty167@yahoo.com and make any donation from $1.00 and up. Thank you in advance. Marty Dougherty
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