I'll try and give some of the faces a name but it'll be up to Denny Ferado to do the honors in case I miss a face or two. These are some of the people that hung aaround where Kronk's Luncheonette and P & C's Bar was located on York Avenue and 87th Street. Going from the left to right, Ronnie O'Neil, Forget, Eddie Barber?, Stan Zizka, Denny Ferado, Billy Whelan, and my brother, Paddy Dougherty on the lower right side. Enjoy,
Marty Dougherty
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Social Locations of Yorkville Index
Note: If you are the owner of any of these pictures, please let me know so that I can add your name to the credits for the picture. You can click on my name above (my email) to let me know.
Donations: Please go to Paypal.com and enter in my email address - doherty167@yahoo.com and make any donation from $1.00 and up. Thank you in advance. Marty Dougherty
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