Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 12:01 PM Subject: Yorkville
Marty, I love your site. I am not a native New Yorker but have lived here since 1997 (and in Yorkville since 2005, on 88th St. between 1st and 2nd). I love hearing the stories about what the neighborhood was like back in the days when it really was a neighborhood. While I don't have anything to add to your site, I know a couple of people who grew up here in the 40s and 50s and who still live here. The next time I see them I will mention your site and see if they have some stories/pics that they would like to contribute. If you ever want any pics of what certain areas look like today please let me know and I can take them and send them to you. Thanks again. Brian PS I never in a million years would have guessed that a couple of scenes from The Verdict were shot in the Rhinelander Building on 88th and Lex (thx to one of your contributors)!
Sent: Mon, May 21, 2012 3:56 pm Subject: Re: Some Pics for you
Mary Anne, Thanks for the pictures. The girl 3rd from left in top row looks very familiar. I met Kevin in first grade in St. Monica's and we have been friends since, although there was a span of many years when we lost contact. I was the hookey playing diver Luke on the swim team with him in our first year at Hayes. I was his best man at his first wedding. The pictures of your old apartment bring back memories. I dated Barbara Golden who lived a couple buildings up towards York Ave. I am waiting for a call from his son in law to find out what happened. When we couldn't get in touch with him I did a google search and found the obit in the FL newspaper. My last contact he told me he was coming up to Long Island for his grandsons graduation and we were going to get together. The Jokers (Royals) are now down to three.
-----Original Message----- From: Mary Ann <tuckie@tampabay.rr.com> To: Martin Dougherty <doherty167@yahoo.com>; Walter Brennan <mackmuggs@netscape.net> Sent: Mon, May 21, 2012 2:46 pm Subject: Some Pics for you
- My building on 79th Street
- Me on the beach at 15 yrs old
- The Deuces -- best girls' basketball team at the East Side House
Mary Ann
From: "nylfmom@aol.com" <nylfmom@aol.com> To: Martin Dougherty <doherty167@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 12:13 PM Subject: Re: 78th street
I would love to but just moved back to 77th after 17 years in Lake forest, IL. All my pictures are in storeage no room in an apart from a house for picture albums. When I get to storage I will let you know. Thanks florence
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed
From: Martin Dougherty <doherty167@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 08:47:23 -0700 (PDT)
ReplyTo: Martin Dougherty <doherty167@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: 78th street
Just put the page up. Do you have any pictures to add?
Martin Dougherty
green Dougherty
From: FLORENCE F. MAURO <NYLFMOM@AOL.COM> To: doherty167@yahoo.com Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 10:48 AM Subject: 78th street
I grew up on 357 East 78 street too. The Feeley family, mom Eileen, dad John Roger, children Edward 62, Florence (me) 59, Eileen 56, Patricia 55. We lived right over Brodericks bar. That was fun listening to the juke box all night, I guess that’s why I knew all the songs. Do you remember the Amatulli family they lived in the middle of the block. Michael, Anna, Gloria, Virginia and Philomenia. The dad was a baker and very Italian, they even spoke it. Will you please put our family name on the blog for 78th street too. Can you also put my husbands name Robert (Boo Boo) Mauro he lived on 315 East 77th street brother Michael, parents Frank and Catherine she still lives here and we just moved back to care for her she is 90. Thanks, Florence Feeley Mauro
From: Donald Kershaw Sr <bigkershaw@hotmail.com> To: doherty167@yahoo.com Sent: Monday, November 5, 2012 11:59 AM Subject: U S Marines
Marty, I do not have any photo’s but I was at PI in 1960, plt. 336 would love to be on your list'.
Lv you guys
Donald Kershaw
PS.....If you have the connections to get any pic’s of me or my platoon I would love to see them.....I tried but could not find any.
From: Joe Gindele <joejohng@comcast.net> To: Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 10:14 AM Subject: Letter I got from a Yorkvillite.
Letter I got from a Yorkvillite today. FYI. You might find it interesting
Joe Gindele.
Hello Joe. Nice to hear from you. I grew up on 86th and 87th and first avenue. I went to grammar school across the street from me @ St. Joe's on East 87th between york and !st. High School was on 124th and lennox ave, St. Ignatius Rice High. It closed last year. : (. Rhinelander playground was around the corner and had an indoor pool . Not bad for a kid to have all that around. Glazers bakery across the street Herbie Glazer the son turned owner, went to grammar school with me. They were closed this past Xmas for health code violations . First time closed in 104years . They reopened last week. We move dthe the projects in 1963 when I was 11. The stanlet issac projects on 93rd st. and 1st ave. Just down the block the Marx brothers were born and raised and on 94th GEHRIG'S HOUSE. Patricia Sheehy was in my class i grammar school Her Father was Pete Sheehy the equipment manager for the Yankees for 46 years. He took us to a day game afew hours before it started (kids memory) I got to meet all the Yanks Mantle, Maris, Bobby Richardson he was nice to me. Wore #1 my numbers when I played wiffle ball at Rhinelander. I love Yorkville. My brother and sister are still in the city. I visit fron where I am in Philly often. As a matter of fact I am staying in Montauk 3/10 13 to 3/13/13 at the sunrise Band B owned by a former 9th Pct cop Jim. I was a cop for 11 years in the 10th Pct. P.S. My sister Kate got me your book for Christmas. Greast read!!! . My landlord read it also. His name is Paul Fierlinger (academy award winner film animation for "THE WOLF IS AT THE DOOR" and his uncle was Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia. His Father ws ambassador to Japan where he was born. We grew up in multi ethnic neighboorhood and that was a great rearing that's for sure. Anyway I'm off to work . At the Home Depot now in king of prussia ,Pa. Hope to stay in touch with you Joe. C ya around. Paddy Moore here
That covers a few emails to Marty in 2012