Stuffed Manicotta R17
One of another of Marie's Recipe is that of Stuffed Manicotta. It is basically a pasta tube that is stuffed wityh a mixture of Ricotta Cheese and several of your spices that will enhance the flavor. You can spend a great deal of time preparing a dish like this or just go to your freezer section and pull out a package which will contain four Stuffed Manicotta. If you provide the sauce, you'll have mastered half the effort to preparing this dish. I believe in why invent the wheel when you have a tire store down the street.
Just a note here, my first introduction into Baked Stuffed Manicotta was in Little Italy. My wife's Aunt Nettie lived on Madison Street with Uncle Joe and the family was invited over for dinner. I remember a lot of details about the home but kick myself in the ass everytime that I've been told stories about the house and never ventured down into the celler. A lot of family history transpired down there and I missed an opportunity to check it out.
Getting back to Aunt Nettie and her home made Baked Stuffed Manicottas. She was fascinated that I loved pasta and every time she offered seconds, I was offering my dish and proceeded to down more than 14 Baked Stuffed manicooas. They were delicious. I came ouf of the U.S. Marines at 125 pounds and by the end of the years I was booking 140 pounds.