The Medical Office Notes
Probably, one fifth of all the jobs in the labor market revolve around a position in the flield. Regardless of what happens in Washington, D.C. to control medical costs, the money tossed around a medical office in the form of payroll is rather similiar in most medial practices.
Most of the positions in a medical office are staffed by women. In recent years, I have come across several positions being filled by males, so there is a change going on. In most practices, this is not a problem. Life goes on and staff adjusts accordignly.The real problem in small medical practices is pay.
Don't get me wrong, there are several medical practices where the staff are rewarded with a nice paycheck. However, so far, in most of the paces where I, or, we go for medical attention in a small medical offices, there is often a lot of turnover. True, you have people that are very anxious to make as much as they can and leave a pratice in search of higher pay but that seems to tap out after a while and one has to settle in and bite the bullet.
There are only two people in the world that are going to make money in medicine.The top one is the medical insurance provider and the opther is the owner of the medical practice. Insurance is king because they control what the procedure cost and what the insurance will pay for that service. The one that gets to ride that wagon is the owner of the practice. It's quite possible that a member of the staff will be rewarded with some compensation if he/she can help to enhance that income in any form. Other than that, you are on an hourly rate and subject to the one person that the doctor has assigned to managing the medical staff for that location.
A funny thought here. Have you ever noticed how many people still smoke in a medical practice? You would think that a medical practice would be a smoke free zone.
Another problem with the small medical office is the number of offices that are still opened and still uses manual records for maintaining patient's medical records. Large offices that are computerized, to major extent, are hassled by the number of interactions with patients that are trying to contact their doctor on a daily basis to keep tract of doctor prescriptions. Right, even a large computerized, medical office can have their days trying to keep tract of doctor's prescriptions and comply with HIPPA regulations.
So, with those thoughts in mind at the moment, I'll go a nd check just what type of jobs are available for a person in a small medical practice. Just hold in mind that when you get the opportunity to get an interview for a small medical practice, try and find out before you go for an interview on the amount of turnover in that medical practice as that will give you a hint of life at that medical practice. And, find out who is managing that medical practice, if not the person who is interviewing you, will give you an idea of runs the shows and controlls your pay.
An informed job searcher gets the best job,
Marty Dougherty