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This is quick introduction about those Work From Home promos that you see all over the place. I look at YouTube Videos when ever I want to know more about a subject and I'm never surprised with the amount of videos on the subject. The Work From Home Videos surprised me with the number of videos available and the assorted possibilities for one to Work From Home.
By far, the most popular method to Work From Home is to work as an Amazon ReSeller. Basically, you buy from Amazon at a discount and sell on Ebay. Of I'm correct in what I looked at so far, Amazon stocks the products and ships for you to your customer, BUT at a price. You are what they call FBA - Fulfilled By Amazon. I don't have the stats at the moment but one of the people that I viewed in the video had a sizable amount of sales revenue. This was reduced by half which covered the cost and expenses related to shipping this procuct from and by Amazon.
These are reasonable costs incurred by businesses on a daily basis. There were additional costs incurred which were deducted fromt he total sales amount but the individual bottom line was close to $120K for that year. i was impressed.
Just a thought here but you can do the same thing by having the products delived directly to you but you will have to do all the repacking and shipping directly to your customer. Amazaon offers that service for a price.
I just wanted do this quick post for those of you looking for ways to really Work From Home. There are numerous additional ways to work from home and all you have tod o is search YouTube and you will get numerous videos on different aspects of Working From Home.