Bowtie Pasta R24
Here is one of the more popular pastas of Marie's Pastas, Bowties. Marie has a variety of ways to prepare Bowties for a meal. One of the more popular is that of a casserole using the Bowtie pasta
This is what the Bowties look liike when they are cooked in casserole with Ricotta Cheese. We like to burn a few of the Bowties with the broiler to crisp a few of the pastas. You may prefer not to burn. A few of us are always trying to grab the crispy pastas. It's a matter of personal taste.
Another thing that is a matter of taste is that of the cheese to sprinkle on the pasta. I know a lot of people use Romano but we have gotten used to, and so mhave most of the grandchildren, is that of Pecorino-Romano Cheese.
Also, when you buy grated cheese, oftentimes, we buy the brick of cheese itself and grate the cheese by hand. I found out that the cheese is much more tasteful than what you get in the pregrated cheese in containers. Now, I'm giving away trade secrets.
Another quick one for the cheese lovers out there. Often, when I grate the cheese for Marie, Mozarella or Pecorino-Romano Cheese, I cheat a bit a tend to sneak a few pieces on the side. Some people don't like eating the Pecorino-Romano Cheese as they are grating the cheese but I enjoy chewing on the cheese for the flavor. Another cheese that is enjoyed for eating is that of Provolone which is a bit tangy but flavorful in an anti pasto salad.
Enjoy your pasta,
Marty for Marie (Iacone) Dougherty