This first video of the pictures are from the initial family that lived in New York City. I'm not sure of the exact location but I beleive that the family lived on Madison Street. I never got to see the cellar of this building but I was told that many years ago, there were several levels in the cellar. As the family aged, one or two of the levels in the cellar were sealed off. Back in the old days, these undergound areas were tunnels and were used by people to avoid detection from authorities.
This era of the Iacone family involved with Carmelo and Marietta Iacone, the parents. All of the children were, Joseph, Conchetta, Jospehine, Jenny, John, Dominick, Millie, Jimmy and Santa. During these years, the Iacone family had some involvement in the produce business.
I'm drawing a blank on Conchetta at the moment. Jenny was killed when she ran across the street as a child. She was at an outing for the school and church where they attended. Jimmy died as a result of protecting his sister and was stabbed in the heart with a screwdriver. Rather than deal with the situation with the family, Jenny got her brother Jimmy to intervene on her behalf. Jimmy was a little taller than the person assaulting his sister, Jenny's. Jimmy was killed when the person who was assaulting his sister stabbed him in the heart. Judge rulled that it was self defense because Jimmy was much taller than the man assaulting Jenny.
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