Manna Genealogy - Grandma Vitrano
Here is Delorsa (Manna) Vitrano, the Great Grand Mother to my four children. My two oldest had the pleasure of knowing her. I had the pleasure of pulling a joke on her a few times and she still loved me in spite of all the jokes. She used to call our home to speak to her grand daughter and I used to tell her that she had the wrong number. On the third call, she said, "Let me speak to my grand daughter, you sum a bitch". Like I said, she had a sense of humor.

Dolorosa Iacina (Manna) Vitrano came from Calabria, Italy. Born in 1894.

Leo Vitrano came from Naples, Italy. Born in 1891.
I never got to see Leo (Leonard) because he passed in 1946. I did get to enjoy the company of their children, Eddie, Alfonso, Jospehine (Roth) and Mary, my mother-in-law. Both brothers fought in World War II in the Pacific area. Eddie was assigned to Pearl Harbour, Hawaii and his brother Alfonso, fought the Japanese from island to island for the length of the war.
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