Here is part of the Doherty (Dougherty) Family Tree that I'm waiting for ancestry to supply to me when they get around to checking my DNA that's been sitting in their office for two months. And then they want me to spoend money monthly to let me know whom I'm related to. I found out several years ago via Catherine McGuiness, who has since been lost on the internet, but supplied these tidbits about the 1901 and 1911 census in Ireland.

The very top line, in the 1901 Census, on this paper show my Great Grandmother, Brigid Doherty, who apparently was a widow at the time of 1901 census. My Grand Dad was 25 years old and was named Michael, same as my father. It also list a few great uncles and aunts.
My Grand Father was Michael Doherty and my Grand Mother was Annie Doherty.
More to come in the next edition and with some pictures if I can match them to the name properly.
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