When I was growing up in Yorkville on 85th Street, we always knew that there were boundaries. Not the boundaries written about in the newspapers, but the boundaries that were told to you by living on the streets of Yorkville and where you could go. These boundaries were real. As a young teenager, I never went past 87th Street, which was the street where I went to grammar school at St. Joseph's School.

When I graduated to high school, I was a freshman in Cardinal Hayes High School on 91st Street. My world was beginning to open up but I never did make it up to 96th Street. When Ace Kilcullen died and they had his funeral in the upper end of Yorkville, the youth gang called the Dragons would try to cross 96th Street. It never happened.
Families of 96th Street
Add a few families
On Pinterest: Yorkville - East Side of Manhattan in New York City
A Few Landmarks on 96th Street
Sharing a few memories. Enjoy,
Marty Dougherty
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86th Street Memories Index
Avenues and Streets of Yorkville Index
Bars and Restaurants of Yorkville Index
Faces of Yorkville Index
Memories (Landmarks) of Yorkville Index
Schools Attended by Yorkville Students Index
Social Locations of Yorkville Index
Streets of Yorkville Index
Note: If you are the owner of any of these pictures, please let me know so that I can add your name to the credits for the picture. You can click on my name above (my email) to let me know.
Donations: Please go to Paypal.com and enter in my email address - doherty167@yahoo.com and make any donation from $1.00 and up. Thank you in advance. Marty Dougherty
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