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C Oldies Groups And Their Tunes - March 23, 2019

Marty Dougherty


Groups that Started With A "C"

Cadets, Cadillacs, Calvanes, Capitols (Mickey Tolliver and the), Capris, Cardinals, Cascades. Caslons, Castelles, Castells, Castle Tones, Catalinas, Chancelors, Chandlers (Gene), Channels, Chants, Chantels, Chandlers (Gene), Chaperones, Charades, Charles (Jimmy), Charms (Otis Williams and the), Charts, Chaunters (aka Chi-Lites), Checker (Chubby), Checkers, Chessmen, Chesterfields, Chicago, Chiffons, Chimes (Freddie Scott and the), Chimes (Lenny Coco and the), Chordettes, Chords (Phil Moore and the), Chords (Black), Clanton (Jimmy), Classics, Cleechays, Cleftones, Clovers, Clowns (Huey Smith and the), Coasters, Collegians, Conchords, Contours, Copperettes, Coquettes, Coronets, Corsairs, Crescendos, Crescents, Crests (Johnny Maestro and the), Crickets, Crossfires, Crows, Crystals,

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