Tour of Duty
08/30/61 to 11/20/61 – Boot Camp – Parris Island, S.C.
11/25/16 to 01/24/62 – Infantry Training – Camp Geiger, N. C.
01/24/61 to 12/30/62 – Camp Lejeune, N. C. – Teletype Operator in the H &S Battalion, Communications Section
04/09/62 to 05/06/62 – U.S.S. Francis Marion – APA-249 – Landing Exercise for President John F. Kennedy/Cruise to Camp Garcia, Vieques, P. R./Liberty call in San Juan, P. R./Returned to Camp Lejeune, N.C. on the U.S.S. Mountrail – APA-213 (loved the salt water showers)
JFK Visits the Atlantic Fleet (1962)
09/06/62 to 10/23/62 – Montford Point, N.C. – Communication School at Montford Point, N.C.
10/26/62 to 12/05/62 – U.S.S. Chilton – APA-38 – Cuban Missile Crisis with a layover in Norfolk, VA.
02/04/63 to 06/06/63 – U.S.S. Rushmore – LSD-14 – Mediterranean Cruise: Naples, Italy; Izmir, Turkey; Rhodes, Greece; Athens, Greece; Cannes, France; Barcelona, Spain; Santa Manza, Corsica, Aranci Bay, Sardina; Marmaris, Turkey; Rota Bay, Spain; Timbakion, Crete
10/05/63 to 10/18/63 – Camp Lejeune, N.C. – Demolition and Mine Warfare School

12/04/64 – 02/27/64 – U.S.S. Rushmore – LSD-14 – Caribbean Cruise: Vieques, Puerto Rico; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Fort Sherman, Gatun Locks, Pamama; Colon, Coco Solo; Cristobal, Panama
04/04/64 to 05/04/64 – U.S.S. Fort Mandan – LSD-28 – Division Cruise
06/23/64 to 09/23/64 – U.S.S. Fort Snelling – LSD-30 – Caribbean Cruise: Vieques, Puerto Rico; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Guantanamo bay, Cuba; St. Thomas, Virgin Islands; Fort de France, Martinique, West Indies; La Guiara, Caracus, Venezuela; Port Au Prince, Haiti (Hurricane Survivors), Cat Island, Bahamas
10/07/64 to 11/27/64 – U.S.S. Plymouth Rock – LSD-29 – Spain Cruise: Steelpike 13: Huelva, Spain; Rota Bay, Spain; Santa Cruz de Teneriffe and Los Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands; via Bermuda
02/10/65 to 07/22/65 – U.S.S.Rushmore – LSD-14 – Mediterranean Cruise: Alcudia Bay, Mallorca; Naples, Italy; Aranci Bay, Sardina; Messina, Sicily; Santa Manza, Corsica; Izmir, Turkey; Lebedos Bay, Turkey; Golfe Juan, France; Palma, Mallorca; Mazzarow, Spain; Rota Bay, Spain, Edinburg, Scotland; Glasglow, Scotland
06/26/65 – U.S.S. Rushmore – LSD-14 – Bluenose Certification - While serving with the officers and men of the U.S.S. Rushmore did appear at the Artic Circle, Longitude 10E and that he is to be extended all those Honors, Rights and privileges due a Qualified Bluenose.
12/17/65 – Camp Lejeune, N.C. – Honorably Discharge from active duty from the United States Marines
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