Here is a picture of an Ocelot that was in the Panama Zoo. It wa hit by a Army vehicle and taken to the Panama Zoo. Unfortunately, it died a few days later from its injuries. Cute little cat.
It was a small zoo but had an abundant array of animals from the jungle. One snake was about 15 feet long and about a foot in width. Another cage had three little monkeys that were no bigger than the human hand. I took some food that was given to us in jungle training, which happened to be monkey meat and gave it to the three monkeys. The first monkey smelled the food and threw it away. He must have smelt his cousin.
I wish that I had taken some pictures of the small little bugs that were all over the jungle. I was fascinated with the little ants that were all over the jungle floor. I was watching a bun ch of ants moving across the jungle carrying small pieces of leaves. it must have been food, sine there were several hundreds of ants carrying these small sections of leaves that were cut from the original plant.
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