Shore Party Crew in Panama
I'm in the picture...can you spot me? In the above picture is Schmidt. His call to fame was that he fell in between two ships that were moored to the dock in Panama. He missed his footing and fell thirty or so feet into the small aea between two ships tied to each other. On his way down, his hand hit the sewage exhaust on the side of the ship and broke his hand.
The big buy with the black hair Iacovangelo from Rochester or Buffalo, New York.
The black guy is Burns, if memory serves me right, always had a attitude problem
The rest of them, my memory plus the clarity of the picture sucks, are beyond my memory at the moment but I am on the bottom row. Can you find me?
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Marty Dougherty
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Note: If you are the owner of any of these pictures, please let me know so that I can add your nme to the credits for the picture. You can click on my name above (my email) to let me know.
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