82nd Street Recap
82nd Street and home to St. Stephen of Hungary Church and School.
Families of 82nd Street
Deborah Polidoro Cesare 405 East 82nd Street
Elizabeth Lhota Simpson Stieh 532 East 82nd Street
John ODonnell 338 East 82nd Street
Vera Cecilia 347 East 82nd Street
Rosanna Farina 519 East 82nd Street
Kitti Fisher-Borgatti 525 E. 82nd Street (20+ yrs in the '70s thru '90s)
Joanne Young Joanne David Young 162 East 82nd Street
Seth Rosten 222 East 82nd Street
James Devlin 82nd Street
A Few Landmarks on 82nd Street
St. Stephen of Hungary
Sharing a few memories. Enjoy,
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