Sgt. Alexander SYS029
This is Sgt. Alexander and the reason that I have a picture of Sgt. Alexander is that he was the one that gave me the nick name "DIG." He had a terrible time pronouncing my last name and ended up calling me "Dinigimy." So for a few weeks, I was referred to as "Dinigimy" all over the ship and on the landings.
I gave up trying top correct Sgt. Alexander and it worked out great for me laundrywise because when we had our clothes cleaned in the wash on the ship, one needed a marking on your clothing to make sure that you got it back. Over the next few weeks, I put "DIG" on the back of my T Shirts so that I could fiund my T Shirts. For the rest of the time I was there, I was called "DIG".
It worked good one time because as I was looking fodown into the well of LSD where a few of the other part of Shore Party was working, one of the equipment operators was wearing my T Shirt with "DIG" clearly written on the back. I yelled down at the guy wearing my shirt and he told me that he would return it to the laundry to be cleaned.
Sharing a few memories as an FMF Marine on a cruise. Enjoy,
Marty Dougherty