McPhatter, Clyde
Groups that Started With A "M"
Mad Lads, Madisons, Madonna, Maestro (Johnny), Magnificents, Majestics, Manhattan Transfer, Manhattans, Marathons, Marbles (Early Jewels), Marcels, Marquees, Marvelos, Mascots, Mason (Barbara), Masquerades, Mastertones, McGriff (Edna), McGuirre Sisters, McPhatter (Clyde), Meadowlarks, Medallions, Mellow Kings, Mellow Moods, Mellows, Meloaires (aka Teen Tones), Meridians, Michaels (George), Midnighters, Hank Ballard and the, Miracles, Smokey Robinson and the, Miracletones, Mimms (Garnett), Modern Ink Spots, Mohawks, Monarchs, Montclairs, Montereys, Moonglows, Moodmakers, Moonmakers
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